Your website has gone live. Yay! And you’re feeling really proud of yourself (and rightfully so) for achieving that milestone. Problem is, you don’t have any customers. And, you don’t have a list to market to yet. And your advertising budget is, well, non-existent. But don’t worry, it’s not all bad news.
You do have a great looking website, with an attention-grabbing opt-in on it ready to capture those leads and build a list. So, to get those customers you want so badly, the first thing you need is to get website traffic. A certain percentage of that traffic will then join your list, and that gives you the opportunity to build a relationship with them and convert them into loyal, happy, customers.
Sounds pretty simple but without an advertising budget, how can you get website traffic? The answer is by partnering up with someone who has a lot more traffic than you do and (legally) borrowing their audience. Using this strategy, here are three ways to get website traffic in bucket loads by borrowing someone else’s list. And, the good news is, they won’t cost a cent to implement.
1) Share your knowledge
Everyone is hungry for content. No matter what industry you are in, this is the era of free information online and if you aren’t part of it, you will get left behind. For business owners, it’s a constant challenge to create good quality, informative, interesting content. So, offer to provide it for them.
Choose a leader in your industry who has a large following and offer to be a regular contributor to their blog or even just a one-off opportunity can yield results if their audience is large enough. Here are some tips to help you get the results you need:
- Keep your hosts’ audience front of mind when you are writing the blog(s) and customise your content accordingly – as in, make sure what you write will be appealing to them
- Make sure it’s unique. Don’t just write what everyone else is out there, shake it up with unique strategies and ideas. This will make you stand out, be memorable, and keep your host happy too
- Be real. Don’t be dull and boring. Let your personality shine through so again, you will stand out, and a certain portion of your audience will resonate with you.
- Leave them hungry for more. Give the audience a good enough reason to want to click through to your website for more, otherwise, you’ve wasted the opportunity. Remember, that’s the whole reason you are doing this.
2) Co-host a presentation or event
The key to making this one work is to offer a percentage of sales as an affiliate payment to your new partner. This will make it worth their while to run a free webinar with you or a little mini-workshop or intro class even. Here are three tips to make it a success for both of you:
- Make sure you have a good funnel on your website. That means a compelling opt-in freebie that leads to an email sequence, then a small priced product, and then onto a larger purchase. That way, the dollars will be enough to make it work for both you and your new partners’ efforts.
- Track the results. You will need to have some sort of affiliate tracking software so you can measure the results and provide the correct payment to your new partner. We recommend AffiliateWP, but there are others out there such as aMember and Infusionsoft too.
- Offer a decent payment. The whole idea of this is to make it appealing to your new potential partner so make sure the percentage is high enough to make it worth their while but don’t give away the whole house either. The idea of this is to make money for you as well.
3) Get interviewed
This is probably the easiest option out of the three when it comes to borrowing an audience and it can have considerable results too. Have someone who has a large audience of your target market, to interview you. Here’s how you do it:
- Search for successful (as in those with large audiences) people who are doing podcasts, running conferences or Telesummits, and even local events. YouTube is also a great place to be interviewed. Who in your industry is doing these things well?
- Pitch yourself to them by firstly researching their content and then offering an idea that aligns with their audience, and the style of their show. Make it a no-brainer for them to say yes to you by showing you understand what they want and giving them something for their show they didn’t have to work too hard to create.
- Keep your host happy. Be easy to get along with, flexible, and professional at all times. This is a great opportunity for you to shine but always be respectful of your host and the fact it is their show.
So, there you have it, three relatively easy ways to get website traffic that won’t cost anything except a bit of effort and time. If you would like more ways to get website traffic and convert them to customers, you can book a marketing coaching session with Tegan where she will create a list of low-cost marketing ideas customised to your unique business. Click here to find out more.