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Overcoming Digital Overwhelm

Tegan Mathews

Most people in small business these days find digital marketing completely overwhelming. That’s understandable! There’s just so much information out there that we are constantly being bombarded with and it’s difficult to know what to do, when or how. This article gives you five steps on overcoming digital overwhelm and a foundation to launch your knowledge from.

Now you might be asking, “who are you to be telling me about this” but I know exactly what it’s like because I was once feeling the same way. On a regular basis!

Give me a newspaper article to write or a print advertisement and I was in my element (with 20 years marketing experience I would hope so) but this digital stuff…oh please! The good news though, is that it doesn’t have to evoke these feelings of dread anymore.

Previously, the thought of anything to do with digital and my heart would start racing, my palms would sweat and I turned into an insecure, unconfident, idiot (true story!) Then I met my future husband (even though I didn’t realise it at the time) and suddenly things started to change.

He took the time to explain things to me until I understood what all that techie jargon meant (ok not all of it, I still have a long way to go, but a fair chunk of it). We then joined forces and created Blue Dog Websites to provide a range of products that small business owners need that weren’t available on the market at the time.

Then came the Blue Dog Club which was my baby. This club was created to support people just like me. Small business owners whose businesses were being held back by their lack of confidence in technology.

We demystify the primary areas of digital marketing in a language specifically tailored for small business owners and support you in overcoming digital overwhelm once and for all.

While we debunk the myths and make sense of the technical jargon for you, your confidence grows in alignment with your knowledge in what digital marketing is, and how you can successfully use it to grow your business.

In the Club, we cover everything from how to make changes to your WordPress website, your branding, social media marketing and content writing. All the way through to websites, SEO and sales funnels. We guide you through the maze and get you well on your way to digital prowess and I just love seeing people come through our programs.

But today is about you and getting you started on your way to digital confidence. Here are five points to remember on your journey to overcoming digital overwhelm in your business;

1. Master one thing at a time

Whether it’s using database building and sales funnels to grow your business, or social media marketing to promote your business. Just choose one thing at a time, learn all there is to know about it and really make it work before you move onto the next.

This rule also applies to choosing software. There’s always a plethora of options available to solve every problem or system you need. So, instead of getting lost in the sea of choices, choose one, use it, master it over the next twelve months and only change if it really isn’t working for more than 80% of your business or customers.

2. It’s never about you

Understanding and achieving the most out of your digital marketing is not about what YOU want and everything about what your CLIENT wants and needs.

Take the time this week to map out your perfect client avatar. Use our Ultimate Customer Journey Guide to work through this.

Who they are, where do they shop, what do they read, even how do they spend their time on the weekends. What words do they use, how would you talk to them if they walked into your store? Really get to know them.

Everything you do in marketing always comes back to building relationships with your customers, just the same as it was twenty years ago. With every piece of marketing material, ask yourself, “Is this going to serve my clients?” and “Is it in a language that will appeal to them?”

3. Make a plan

So many businesses I talk to don’t have a business plan (or one they refer to on a regular basis) let alone a marketing plan. In the words of Winston Churchill, “He who fails to plan is planning to fail.”

Having a clearly defined structure enables you to map out what you need to be focussing on and to make decisions based on the results rather than emotions.

Take what you already know, together with what you are about to learn, and turn it into a plan of action to watch your business grow.

4. Always measure your results

This hasn’t changed with the introduction of the digital era and neither has the number of businesses who put money into marketing without measuring the results.

Without analyzing the results of your marketing, you will be guessing what to do next. This puts you into the high-risk category of people who will more often than not, waste their money.

Even if you think you know what the results will be, still check the actual numbers because often the truth can surprise you. This has happened to me on regular occasions.

5. Be flexible

The market, your customers, and opportunities are always changing and this happens exceptionally fast these days due to technology. So, you have to be flexible to “move with the times” or you will be left behind.

You will see the signs (if you are measuring your results) but you need to be willing to be flexible and adjust to these changes quickly. Don’t let fear hold you back from trying new strategies, entering into new markets or taking calculated risks. The ability to be flexible will ensure your long-term success.

Apply these five points to your business and you will be well on your way to overcoming digital overwhelm. If you need further support with these and future digital marketing solutions we encourage you to take advantage of our complimentary 30-minute session to gain clarity and specific direction tailored to your unique business.

Tegan Mathews

Tegan has over twenty years experience in sales & marketing both nationally and internationally and the founder of several businesses, her first at the age of 14.

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